Friday, July 18, 2014

Homemade Febreeze Recipes

I was cleaning rooms today and noticed how raunchy some of the bedding smelled. So I searched high and low for some Febreeze and low and behold was totally out of it. What does a girl need to do -I looked on the internet for a recipe of course. That is exactly what I did and came up with a zillion different recipes - which one did I settle on, well I will tell you. I used this one since I didn't need a specific size of bottle.

  1. I used a funnel and poured 2 Tablespoons of fabric softener into a spray bottle. (check out how to make your own fabric softener here)
  2. I then added 2 Tablespoons of white vinegar (I buy mine at Costco in bulk).
  3. Take out the funnel and add six to ten drops of your favorite essential oils. I like citrus or lavender.
  4.  Fill the rest of your bottle with water.
  5. Shake until well combined.
That's it. Spray on anything to get rid of unwanted smells.

**UPDATE: First of all you need to make sure your sprayer works - I got all of my new Febreeze into my sprayer bottle and then the darn thing wouldn't work. Had to search high and low for another spray bottle, I will definitely put spray bottles on my list to look for when I'm out and about.

Thanks, thefrugalgirls

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