Thursday, July 17, 2014

Homemade Healthy Finger Jello

I remember when I was younger and my mom made jello all the time to help strengthen our nails. I even drink it hot now. When my children were small I made something called finger jello - you would use a package of jello and then add extra gelatin to the mix and it would make the jello stiff. This way you could pick it up with your fingers to eat.

Nowadays, I am more in-tuned with what I am feeding myself and my grandchildren, I have been using grass-fed gelatin to improve my skin, hair and nails from the inside out. So I thought why not make finger jello using fruit juice and the grass-fed gelatin. It was so easy - you use:

Ingredients -

4 cups of 100% fruit juice or make your own
4 Tbsp of grass fed gelatin

Take 2 cups of the juice and mix in the 4 Tbsp of the gelatin. Stir well. 
If you look closely you can see the gelatin that isn't mixed in well - it's the lumpy stuff.

Place the other 2 cups of the juice in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once this is done add to the first bowl, stir until well blended. 

I then poured my mixture into a 13 x 9 pan and place in the refrigerator until firm. Cut into squares and serve. One of the twin's called it bouncy jello.

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