Monday, October 14, 2013

Homemade Fabric Softener

Here’s my favorite recipe:
  • 2 Cups Hair Conditioner (I had a coupon for BOGO, but Fred Meyer has Suave Professionals on sale this week, October 13 – 19, 2013 and use RP 9.29.13 for $1.50 coupon, so it would be FREE)
  • 3 Cups Distilled White Vinegar (I buy mine in bulk at Costco)
  • 6 Cups Water

Put the conditioner and vinegar in a microwave save bowl.  Microwave for 2 minutes; easier to mix when warm.  Mix the conditioner and vinegar with a whisk until smooth and creamy.  Pour mixture into an empty vinegar (gallon container).  Slowly add water.
When I add the fabric softener to my washing machine, I add 3 drops of lavender essential oils also. It helps my clothes smell fresh and clean.

*Note: Don’t use bleach with vinegar, it creates toxic chlorine gas fumes.

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