Saturday, September 6, 2014

School started Wednesday, September 3rd - so FALL is just around the corner

The school district where I work officially starts tomorrow. So that meant that today I spent rearranging my classroom to accommodate students. I never know how many students I will be getting, since my program houses the students who got expelled for weapons, drugs and serious bodily injury. This year I have created seating for 15 in 2 separate rooms, it will be tight but it is what it is. 

Today I also started hanging motivational posters on the wall. I found a few websites that have FREE downloadable printables which I love. It's really easy to do, just bring up the poster you want and then print off your printer. Motivational quotes for women or Activity Village or even Poster-street is where I have found some of the motivational posters. Activity Village has free printables for a variety of resources. I have printed their book markers, they are colorful and cute. 

I moved in the bookcase I bought at the Goodwill over Labor Day weekend and started weeding out the books I no longer use. 

This is the year that I start looking at my curriculum and see what I need and use every day and what I have only opened once or twice. My problem is that I never know what I might need for my students to be successful, I teach students from 2 - 12 grade in all subjects, so I have to be prepared for anything.

I also would like to use most of the printable consumables that are hiding in file cabinets and bring them out into the light for students to use - maybe I won't need to print so many worksheets up. Last year I had the daunting pile of worksheets that I had students help stack - I will re-use those for this year and save a tree or two. 

If anyone teaches - how do you prepare for the school year?

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