Monday, August 25, 2014

Where to find coupons

Sometimes when I am looking on saving money - coupons jump out in the strangest places. I knew Target had there own coupons and cartwheel to save even more money.  But I never thought about looking at Walmart for coupons. You can find them here and you can use them anywhere coupons are accepted.

There are a few blogs that I look at for additional coupon sites.They are hip2save, The Coupon Project, QueenBee and Thrifty and Thriving. These sites have a coupon database that if you are looking for a particular coupon it will list if any are available and where.

Another site that you might not be aware that has coupons is here.

Also there are sites where you can buy whole coupon inserts by the date here is one. Also you can buy individual coupons from eBay, prices vary.


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