Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Summer book review - The Sisterhood series by Fern Micahels

I began the Sisterhood series by Fern Michaels this summer. This series was recommended to me by a friend. Wow - a little romance, thriller and suspense. This is my kind of book.

This series consists of 25 books regarding a women's club that are out to fight our judicial system their way. The characters build on each other - so I would recommend reading them in order. Here are some book covers of this great series. Many of these titles are on Kindle.

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Currently I am on book 23 and I literally have a hard time putting them down once I begin the book. They are easy reads. I can normally read 1 book per day. Then I can’t wait to start the next one.

Each book has grabbed me from the start and even the lead into the meaty part of the book is good. Ms. Michaels knows how to get your attention from page 1. I would recommend this book series.

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