Sunday, August 24, 2014

Lice - the ugly demons

Lice has found there way to the Pacific Northwest this summer. My granddaughter received notice last week when she was enjoying summer camp that several of the campers had head lice. I checked her head a few times but I didn't see anything but a red scalp - no nits or lice. So I gave her some Benadryl to help with the itch and sent her on her merry way. 
Niki and her family went camping over the weekend and then we celebrated my birthday at my parents house on Sunday. Everyone went home and I expected a calm week. But of course this didn't happen - got a text from Niki on Monday stating that Kenz had some bugs in her hair - but it didn't look like lice. After closer investigation it was apparent she does have lice and the cycle of cleaning and combing began at their house. 

Tuesday, I went and got my haircut and my hairdresser stated that lice didn't like Tea Tree Oil. I let Niki know this. My mom called to let me know that my sister had found some lice on her. YIKES! 

On Wednesday, I did some research regarding essential oils and lice and there are some sites that say the Tea Tree Oil is more effective than over the counter stuff. You can make a liquid of Tea Tree Oil, Lavender and Eucalyptus and place on your head 3 times a day. I let Niki know this also and she is stopping by to get some of the essential oils - none of us wants to have lice sticking around.

Today my mom called with an update, my sister had gone to a place on Mercer Island called Lice Away and they will check your head for $10 and treat it also for $95.00. The company stated that my sister had had the lice for 2 weeks.

This is what Kid's Health states about lice: Small red bumps or sores from scratching. For some kids, the irritation is mild; for others, a more bothersome rash may develop. Excessive scratching can lead to a bacterial infection (this can cause swollen lymph glands and red, tender skin that might have crusting and oozing). If your doctor thinks this is the case, he or she may treat the infection with an oral antibiotic.

You may be able to see the lice or nits by parting your child's hair into small sections and checking for lice and nits with a fine-tooth comb on the scalp, behind the ears, and around the nape of the neck (it's rare for them to be found on eyelashes or eyebrows).

A magnifying glass and bright light may help. But it can be tough to find a nymph or adult louse — often, there aren't many of them and they move fast.

Call your doctor if your child is constantly scratching his or her head or complains of an itchy scalp that won't go away. The doctor should be able to tell you if your child is infested with lice and needs to be treated. Not all kids have the classic symptoms of head lice and some can be symptom-free.

Also be sure to check with your child's school nurse or childcare center director to see if other kids have recently been treated for lice. If you discover that your child does, indeed, have lice or nits, contact the staff at the school and childcare center to let them know. Find out what their return policy is. Most usually allow kids to return after one topical treatment has been completed.

Now after reading the above article - Kenz might have had lice for a couple of weeks - she definitely had the itching sensation but no signs of the lice. Hard to tell. 

UPDATE: Niki took Kenz to the Lice Away place in Federal Way on Friday and yes, it looks like she might have had lice for 2 weeks - YEEK!  Lice Away treatment is all natural using essential oils.

Here is the number for Lice Away in case you might need it, 1-866-549-4005.

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