Tuesday, July 22, 2014

DIY - Homemade potting soil

Somewhere I read that flowers and veggies do better with a mixture of peat moss (keep moisture and air around plant roots), vermiculite (holds extra water) and compost (adds nutrients and holds water and improves plant growth) instead of regular plant soil. So I found the above staples at my Home Depot store (don't be shocked at the initial cost - the peat moss has lasted me 2 years - just be sure you seal the bag properly to save the material). I use a mix of 1:1 of each material in an empty plastic cat litter with a handle. This makes it easier to transport around my yard to add the dirt to plants that have depleted the required amount of dirt and also to replant store bought plants.
This combination works especially well with the reduced plants I buy at Home Depot at half price.

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