Thursday, July 24, 2014

Plants at reduced price at Home Depot

Do you ever buy plants that are on the reduced racks because they have seen better days? When I am looking for plants that is the first place I look. I have planted my front lawn (minus the grass) a couple of years ago with the reduced plants. I figure if the plants survive YIPPEE and if they don't survive I didn't pay full price for them. I bought 5 Gerber daisies for $1.00 a piece - 3 are surviving and 2 shriveled away - what a bargain. 

Recently I bought Petunias, purple daisies and Impatiens all at half price and they are all surviving, especially the ones I have actually planted. 

I must confess I have a bad habit of buying plants and then never getting them planted. Do you have this problem? Currently I have 6 Lithodora plants that are still sitting in their original black square plastic containers, 2 multi-colored Petunias and 2 purple Daisies all waiting to be transplanted.  I must confess I have had these plants for a couple of weeks and yes I am watering them. I also have 3 Verbena plants that are starting to give up the ghost - they are trying to thrive but I won't hold my breath if they don't make it and I paid full price for them, YIKES.

**UPDATE: I bought more reduced flowers today at Home Depot. These were only $.75 each. I only spent around $15.00 including tax. Look below - what do you think?

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