Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Weeds take over backyard

Since I live in the Pacific Northwest, the weather can be quite unpredictable to say the least and this year has been no exception. I look out into my backyard and screech - YIKES - look at all those weeds. A little bit of sun and a lot of rain - weeds grow faster than anything else around here.

 Everyday our Cocker Spaniel gets lost in the tall grasses that make up my raised beds. School is out in 1-1/2 and I will have to tackle the backyard. Of course not my favorite thing to do - but at least I can see improvement when I finally start pulling everything out. This year I won't be able to plant any plants out in the raised bed, our yellow lab likes to dig. I will have to take inventory once all the weeds are yanked to see what she has damaged or I even have any dirt left. Here is a couple of pictures of my raised bed and you can judge for yourself about how much work I have in store for myself. The pictures start from the right and go right down the row.

Can you see the hook with a lantern hanging off of it? 
The grass is engulfing the lantern - WOW!

Yes, that is a peony - amazing that the dog hasn't dug it up.

You can barely see the wheelbarrow that I finished last year.

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