Thursday, June 5, 2014

Drying Pepper Seeds

At this time of year, I should have my garden planted, but this year I don't. I'm really struggling on what to plant and where to plant items for my garden. Any way - every time I eat a pepper I try to keep the seeds from the plant, then I dry them and then I plant them in small pots and place them under my grow lite.

This is how I take the seeds and dry them from a bell pepper.

I first use up all the edible parts until I only have the stem filled with seeds.

 Then I flake off all the seeds onto a plate and let them dry.

After the seeds are dry, I put them in a small container with dirt, label it, then put it under a grow light until the seedlings pop up. Then I will move them outside where they will get the benefits of the sun and rain and grow into producing plants. And then the process starts all over again.

What do you do to get free seeds for your garden?

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