Saturday, June 7, 2014

Easy Whipped Homemade Coconut Soap

After using regular soap on my face and having it be dry constantly, I started looking on the internet for some solutions. A couple of years ago, I came across Camp Wander blog, where she creates natural products using mainly coconut oil and essential oils. What her blog represented was what I was looking for and it began a re-introduction to essential oils that I had been playing with for years. This site came me recipes that I could make using products I believed in.

Here is a recipe for her Whipped Coconut Soap that I tweaked a little.

I used 1 cup Coconut Oil (from Costco)
1 Tablespoon Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (from Costco)
1 Tablespoon Dr. Bonners Liquid Castile Soap (travel section at Target)

I softened the Coconut Oil by placing it outside in the sun for about 20 minutes (left the lid on so things wouldn't fly in and adhere to the oil). Once it was a little soft I measured it out and put it in my KitchenAid mixer. Next I added the Olive Oil and the Castile Soap. Then I turned on the mix and let the beater whirl the oils together (this worked better than the hand held mixer for me - got all the lumps out). In addition, I added 3 drops of each Lavender, Geranium, Ylang Ylang and Frankincense. See below why I choose those essential oils.

**Update - I forgot to tell  you how I use my soap - get about 1 Tablespoon (a quarter size and blend it on your palms of your hand and then spread on your face, even the back of your hands. Afterwards, I grab one of my homemade cotton washcloth's and put it in hot water and place on my face and steam for awhile. This helps the essential oils penetrate the skin. Rinse off the back of your hands and pat face and hands with a towel. Then add your moisturizer. 

Lavender - Lavender is a universal oil that has been traditionally been known to balance the body and to work whenever there is a need.

Frankincense - This oil may help with aging.

Ylang Ylang -  This oil is for skin problems and balancing euqilibrium.

Geranium - This works as a cleanser for oily skin and may even liven up pale skin. It also helps keeps the skin supple. 

Hey they all have properties that work for me. 

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