Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Best laid plans

Have you ever had plans that you have thought about and decided how you were going to carry them out? Well I have every day – especially towards this blog. I have every intention to sit down and type every day. But then POOF! 

Something comes up either during my work day or after I get home. Like I have said in the past I teach at an alternative school with special education students. Sometimes I am dealing with students with learning disabilities or behavior. I create curriculum for each student at their ability level for them to be successful.  This can be very exhausting.

(This is so like my desk at school, it's so embarrassing.)

After work, I have grandchildren to ferry to and from lessons, laundry and dishes that seem to grow by the minute, other household duties, animals that need to be cared for and before you know it, it’s time for bed. Then the day starts all over again.

In the meantime, my brain is always churning with new articles to put on the blog, new curriculum that needs to be created, solutions that need to be solved, etc. My idea of creating this blog was to establish a routine of when I was going to write and publish on the blog. Well it hasn’t quite worked out that way. There have been a variety of changes this year for me; my program shifted to a new building that is not conducive to a school setting, world changes and what that means to everyone’s future, family and just myself as a whole.   

So summer is just a hop and a skip away and maybe my life will get on an even keel. One can only hope.

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