Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Baskets, Baskets, Baskets

I love baskets. I have them all over my house; holding items, on the wall and just for decorations. Some are bought, created by me, Goodwill specials or made by a basket maker I once knew.  Come and enjoy my baskets.

Let’s start in the living room – 
Big baskets that hold toys, books and shoes.


Moving onto the dining room – 
The square ones hold new paper napkins. T
he other ones are just because I like them.


 In the kitchen, I have 12 foot ceilings and 
baskets help with the height.
 Most are just displayed, but a few have plants.

 Family room has knitting supplies and blankets and a 
 vcr (I am trying to see if it works - Goodwill find)
 stored in them on one wall.

The other wall has more knitting supplies and a Dream wall saying and tall items – like a puzzle saver, sliding door screen, T-ruler, a weight and a light. 
Bookcase next to this has more baskets that I have made for Easter baskets eons ago and other baskets that are storing odds and ends.

Upstairs bathroom basket is the place for 
handmade cotton washcloths.

Kenz’s room has books in the bookcase.

 Also a wicker basket painted white that holds sheets
 and extra blankets.

My room has a basket on the wall to display my interpretation of southwest design. 

Another day - I will explain the choice of colorful walls. Hint, the kitchen has 5 different colors and so does the living room. Do you have baskets in your house? What do you use them for?

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