Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Goodwill MLK weekend

I found  myself without children and grandchildren for a weekend - totally unheard of. My plans were to clean house and purge the garage, watch tv and read a book. Of course some of the best laid plans can always mine did. My friend called me Friday night to see if I was free to go to the Goodwill on Saturday and of course I jumped at the chance (hadn't gone Goodwilling for a very long time). We made plans for the morning and she picked me up around 10. Before heading out of town - we made a stop to McDonald's for our usual iced coffee (lasts much longer being cold) and gas, than we headed for Capitol Hill. I had found some great gifts for the grandkids for Christmas at the Goodwill at Capitol Hill. After this stop we headed for Capitol Hill Value Village - after a couple stops around the block found a place to park. Not much was happening here - found a couple of books and some games. Value Village is a great place to buy books - buy 4 get 1 free. Next stop was Seattle Goodwill. Fourth stop was Renton Goodwill after we stopped for a bite to eat at Panera Bread (I give this store kudos for their customer service). Last stop was Tukwila Goodwill. Of course I found some great treasures along the way. Pictures following. This time I grouped them in similar items. Let me know which way you like it better. The choices are grouped alike or grouped by what store I bought the items.

This is what I found on this trip:

Of course the Tigger slippers are mine and who can resist for only $1.99. Kenz will love the Tom's pink slip ons and the Vans tied shoes for $6.99 each. Little E will love both of the slippers I got him (the first thing he does is takes off his shoes and on go the slippers).

I wasn't planning on getting clothes this time around - but who can blame me for these great buys. 2 Car sweatshirts for $2.50 each regular $4.99 each, a tshirt for $1.00 regular $1.99, 2 coats for $2.50 each regular $4.99 each.

I can always use new sweatshirts - for some reason I spill more stuff on them and for the right price I don't mind getting rid of them - $4.00 regular $7.99 and I found this in the kid's section.

I normally get my books at the library or on my Kindle, but because the weekend was here and the library I frequent was closed on Saturday - I decided to buy a few books for me - to keep my entertained until I can get to the library. Plus the price is pretty reasonable.

Like I have said before -Value Village has the best deal on books - buy 4 get 1 free (of course it is the lower price - but still free is free). This picture shows the books I got were all children books - should keep them entertained for awhile.

Even though Little E has mastered the trike - I thought maybe he could turn the trike over to L and he could try the bike - we will see - it sure is sturdy and even a hot wheel at that - $9.99.

I am always on the look out for art paper - it's so darn expensive. Along with a hard book, a stencil art book, 2 magazines ($.50 each - where can you buy a magazine for $.50), a metal box (great for storing things), a rug to place by my bed (this way I won't track floor ickies into my nice clean sheets - $2.50 regular $4.99) and a pack of notepads (twins love these) and sticky notepads (I love these).

 Where do you go for your children's games. I use to pay full price at any name store until I found the Goodwill and Value Village has great prices on gently used toys (sometimes they have never been opened - how about that!) - This trip I found the plastic Lincoln logs (never opened for $2.99), the cribbage board (never opened- $3.99), travel magnet backgammon set for $2.99, a build it set for $6.99 (looks like all the pieces are in the box), a word puzzle (never opened - $2.99), a small soccer ball - $1.99 (we keep losing them to the dog) and a nice tile rummy set. Not to bad.

Crafts galore - that is what Goodwill is great at. They combine a bunch of stuff together for a low price of $1.99. I bought the scrapbooking bags full of things I can use and things I am going to donate to an auction. - Way to go, Jini! Pack of fun scissors $2.99, water color project (never opened - haven't decided if I will keep it or donate), pencils, twistable crayons and a frame for $.50 (great gift).

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