Saturday, August 16, 2014

What I did on my birthday - Today.

Yes, my birthday was today. My parents got me a new mattress - so the plan was to go try out new mattresses. Well I like mine extremely hard and after laying on quite a few they start feeling the same. I decided to take my daughter, Erika with me since she likes soft mattresses, I figured she would be a big help on figuring out which one felt the firmest. We started off at Mattress Depot and laid down on a couple with foam and even though they said that they were firm, they felt too cushiony for me. 

Next stop was Sears and I tried a couple more mattresses - by this time I am getting confused about the firmness of the mattress. The salesman was not pushy which I liked but he was a coil man. He let me try a variety of mattresses even one that was valued at $7500. I told him that I had never laid on anything worth $7500, he chuckled. I asked him about a mattress pad and he told me about the Protection pad and even though the price was high it comes with a life time guarantee that if a stain goes through the pad onto the mattress, you call and the company sends someone to clean the stain. If the company can not get the stain out, they will replace the mattress. This is one expense that will work for me since I have grandkids and pets - accidents do happen.

Last stop was Sleep Country Plus Outlet Store - I tried 2 more mattresses. One was a coil and the other was a foam. I definitely like the coil better - firmer, in my opinion. I asked for information and she sent it to my email address. She said that Sleep Country will beat their competitors by 5%. Humm! Then the saleswoman decided to see if any other stores had the models I liked on clearance and with luck there was one in another city for $200 less. She also stated that if I went on that I could either get a bed frame free or if I didn't need that I could get a discount on another product. I told her I would get back to her after I read over the material. 

Erika and I left the store and ran some more errands, got lost in some residence area with a golf course. We ended going around and around for about half an hour until some how we found a way out - PHEW! Finally got home and checked my email - couldn't find it (the salesperson had spelled it wrong - oh, well!) Then I went on YELP and looked to see what I deal I could get - but couldn't find anything. Talked over the deal with my parents and told them I was looking at the mattress at Sleep Country and they said go for it.

Erika and I piled back into the car and headed for Sleep Country. I told the salesperson that I couldn't find the coupon on YELP and she stated that she had to start the sale to receive the deal. So I downloaded the app and it stated that I could get a free frame and 25% off any product - YIPPEE! So I decided I would take both the frame and 25% off the mattress pad. It became a WIN-WIN solution. Those are the deals that I like and then to top off the deal they are delivering it on Monday.

After returning home, I needed to clear a bookcase out of the way so they will be able to take the old bed out and bring the new bed in. When Erika and I were painting our house a few years back we had a problem with getting the box springs down the stairs - actually the darn thing got stuck and we have a mark still on the stairs to prove it. It actually wouldn't go up or down for a while, thank goodness we finally got it back upstairs.
While cleaning the bookcase out, my friend stopped by to finish cutting my laurel hedge. Yay! It's been almost a month since the hedge was started, I am glad to have this finished. I helped him clean up the debris and put it into my recyclable bins which cleans up my yard (now hopefully my dog doesn't decide to play with the cut branches - oh, well).

That is how I spent my special day. Tomorrow we will be celebrating my day with my family at my parents house and Erika is making the cake (Hot chocolate cake with homemade marshmallows on top - YUM!)

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