Saturday, July 12, 2014

Gluten and Dairy Free - Sweet Potato Waffles

I don't know about you - but I love to take homemade waffles out of the freezer and plop them into the toaster for a fast nutritious breakfast or any meal for that matter (my parents eat my sweet potato waffles for dinner). The sweet potato waffles are from the cook book Special Diet Celebrations by Carol Fenster, Ph D. I have been using this recipe with adaptions for awhile now and everyone agrees these are very good. This is how I make them. First I peel and cook my sweet potatoes until they are tender. 
Once they are done I drain off the water into a pitcher (water my plants with the starchy water - beneficial for the plants).

Next I preheat my waffle grid (bought this one at the Goodwill for $3.99) and then I throw all the ingredients into my mixer bowl.


1-1/4 cup Bob's Red Mill Rice Flour Brown (I buy in bulk and then freeze the extra - lasts longer)
1/2 cup Bob's Red Mill Tapioca Flour (I also buy this in bulk and freeze)
2 tsp. baking powder (I make my own - recipe to follow)
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp.  Bob's Red Mill Gum Xanthan (I put it in the freezer to preserve it longer)
2 Tbsp. cooking oil
1 medium cooked sweet potato, mashed to yield 1/2 - 3/4 cup
1-1/4 cups milk (I use soy - I buy the boxed variety at the Dollar Tree for $1.00)
1 tsp. vanilla extract

I throw everything in until well mixed. 

Spoon onto heated waffle grid and wait until the waffle is done and then take out. Once out you can eat it right away or wait awhile and reheat in toaster. The twins like it warmed with peanut butter on it and eat like it an open faced sandwich. Kenz and I like it with cool whip and warmed freezer jam over it. I also like it with peanut butter and syrup.

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