Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Garage Sale Bargains

Last Saturday I wasn't getting the grandkids until noon-ish and I had the whole morning to myself. So of course I called Laura up and we decided to go to garage sales early. I picked her up around 9 and we headed out. It was pretty productive.
I picked up a microwave for $10. This will be going to school. Great bargain.

Scrapbook stuff for $1.00
Bubbles for $.25.

Next stop was books for $.50. I bought 2 for home and 2 for school. I also bought a handheld blender - but forgot to take a picture for $2 (great for making soap, soup or even dog food).

A pair of Batman slippers for $1.00
PogoBall for $.50.
5 DVD's for $.50 each 
Pair of boy tennis shoes $2.00
Whole bunch of jar lids - FREE


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