Monday, July 28, 2014

Another trip to the Goodwill on July 20th

Sunday, July 20th, my friend and I needed to deliver the wedding cake my daughter made to the reception around 1:00 PM. We waited around for my daughter to assemble the cake and we carted off the empty boxes. Here's the wedding cake - Erika created. She did an awesome job.

Now what were we supposed to do - what anyone would do - go shopping at the Goodwill. This time we choose to go to some of the stores we don't visit often. 

First stop was Bonney Lake:
 6 shirts @ $.50 each

Xmas dress $1.29 reg.

 Car storage unit $3.99

Crate - $4.99
Butterfly rack $1.99

Next stop was Puyallup on Meridian:
6 boy shirts for $1.29
2 Sweatshirts @$1.29 reg.$4.99 each
Disneyland sweatshirt $2.00 reg. $5.99

3 pairs of pants @$1.29 each reg. $3.99
1 windbreaker $1.29 reg. $4.99
1 car pj for $1.99
1 xmas dress $1.29 reg. $4.99
Third stop was Spanaway:
2 pairs of pj's @ $1.29 each reg. $3.99
1 pj $2.00 reg. $3.99
Thomas pj $1.29 reg. $2.99
Sports pj $3.99
Shorts $1.50 reg $2.99
I bought a soccer net but forgot to take a picture before I took it to my mom's it was $12.99

Last stop of the day was Hosmer Street:
Jeans for me $1.29 reg. $7.99
Blue sweatshirt $1.00 reg. $1.99
Brown sweatshirt $1.50 reg. $2.99

This was a great diversion after the chaos at my house for the week.

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