Friday, June 27, 2014

Breakfast smoothie

This was my breakfast smoothie the other day. I used my NutriBullet. Into my NutriBullet large container I placed a handful of raw kale, a few chunks of pear, nectarines, pineapple, a handful of blueberries and strawberries. I topped it off with a handful of raw sunflower seeds and 1 Tablespoon of Bob's Red Mill Chia Seeds and 1 Tablespoon of grass fed Great Lakes Unflavored Gelatin, Kosher. (Read here about grass fed gelatin and all the health reasons to add it to your diet.)  

Then I topped it off with coconut water up to the max line. Put the lid on and whirled it up for about 45 seconds until I couldn't see any more whole debris left. Took it off the machine, unscrewed the top, put a straw into it and drank. Yum.

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