Friday, May 23, 2014

Art Techniques using your pencil

I teach in an alternative educational setting consisting of special education students. These students are here for a variety of reasons. Some are here short term while others are here for a long haul.  I have some flexibility to create ability level curriculum to provide structure and success for each student.

Currently, I have a student in my classroom that is taking art. I as the teacher created an art class including research on 25 different artists, coloring Master’s work of art (I used this book -Art Masterpieces to Color: 60 Great Paintings from Botticelli to Picasso (Dover Art Coloring Book)) and then putting these art styles to his own work ( I used this book -Discovering Great Artists: Hands-On Art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters (Bright Ideas for Learning) ). The first couple times he colored his Master’s work coloring sheets, the color was all flat. See the student's work below.
My assistant and I showed him how he could create depth and interesting patterns by using the techniques that were shown.

 My assistant's pattern techniques.

 My representation of the painting.

Now my student is using some of the techniques we modeled for him and is interpreting the paintings in an interesting mannerism.

Here is some of his newer work with a variety of pencil strokes.
What do you think? I am intrigued by the techniques he used differently for each drawing.

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