Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Free Calcium for Dogs

What to do with eggshells?

I take the empty eggshells, dry them, bake them for about 1 hour in a low oven.

Wait till they cool and crumble them up. After this I place them in my food grinder and pulverize them into a powder.

Next I take the powder and put it into an airtight container.

I have just created FREE calcium powder for my dog. Did you know eggshells are very high in calcium carbonate? Each whole eggshell makes about a teaspoon of powder, which equals about 1,800 milligrams of calcium. (Source: Dr. Pitcairn's Complete guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Richard H. Pitcairn)

I add about a Tablespoon of this calcium powder to each dog meal to provide needed calcium for my dog. I like that it helps provide the nutrients to the meal and it’s FREE!

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