Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Procrastination means to put off or delay in doing something. This word fits me to a T. Currently I am supposed to be getting children clothing priced and boxed for the biggest Northwest Children Consignment Shop (check out the site www.jbfsale.com) in one week. I have put this off for months now and now I only have one week to prepare all of my items. Every day I plan to come home from work and sit down and create price tags and box the items up. When I come home there seems to be always something else that needs my attention; dishes, laundry, children activities, sleep and just some down time for me.

Just Between Friends 
Another thing that I have procrastinated on is getting my garage cleaned out before winter weather sets in, so both of the family cars can fit back in and be protected from the rain and snow. With the closing of the school that I taught at last year, most of my classroom ended up in my garage. YIKES!! I knew I had books, but you have got to be kidding. I almost had a two car garage filled with books. Gradually I am going through each box to view and decide whether to keep for future use or bring to my new classroom or give to the Goodwill or sell at the consignment shop.

I always knew I was not a house cleaner, but lately it is on the bottom of my to do list. I will do anything to not do housework. I fill my days with everyday life with working, after school activities, watching grandchildren all day Saturday and then searching the many Northwest Goodwill's for the next best bargain on Sunday's. I ask myself periodically when will I make the time to clean my house? Some day it will get done.

In addition, my computer seems to have a mind of it's own. It turns off by it's self for no reason or the Internet is bogged down and slow, so I struggle with even getting on. Currently I have Comcast and paying an arm and a leg for Internet and a landline. So I am presently looking for another carrier, since I would like to keep my arm and leg for future use. Anyone have any suggestions? Would love to hear what they are.

Another product of procrastination is this blog, which I had no intention of doing when I started, but life had a way of getting in the way. Couple of weeks ago, I came down with the crud that's been making it's round through school and our family. Along with a severe cold, being tired all the time is part of it, so when I come home from teaching I am wiped out. A short nap before I pick up a grandchild to take her to after school activities tides me over until I can come home and crash. I have ideas floating around my head for this blog and since I am on the mend, I promise to write more often. Stay tuned to more updates of my crazy life!

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