Sunday, September 1, 2013

Introduction to my blog!

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest!

I've decided I didn't have enough going on in my life; teaching full time, watching grandchildren, gardening while weather permits, family & pets, friends, occasionally searching for a lost treasure I didn't know I was missing in my life through bargain hunting, crafts and then trying to keep myself sane with my hectic life. So I have begun on a new adventure; blogging. I know you are asking yourself what I can offer that others have not done before me. That is a good question.

I consider this site a place where intriguing and fascinating recipes come to roost. Also homemade solutions, the use of essential oils, good finds & whatever else I encounter to make life more efficient.

So sit back and enjoy the amazing twist and turns of my journey and see in which direction we will go. ~Jini

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