Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Freezing fruits in season

Saving money by freezing fruit while in season is the way to go. Not only are you getting a good price for the fruit but it is a good way to savor the frozen fruit delights in another season when prices have sky rocketed. It's so easy. I just buy the fruit I like in the summer at a good price, wash it, either slice it up (I take the seed or pit out first before I freeze it- easier when I'm throwing all my fruit into the blender to make a smoothie not to worry if the pit was still inside) or keep it whole; also I keep the skin on, since a lot of the nutrients are in the skin. My favorites are red grapes, blueberries (both high in anti-oxidants), strawberries and nectarines.

After washing and taking the pit out, place on a clean cookie sheet and pop it into the freezer for a couple of hours. Once your fruit is frozen, take it out of the freezer and put into baggies of your choice (I have found I like the quart size freezer ones; the gallon are too big to fit comfortably into my inside freezer). Label and place again into freezer. VOILA! Until I need them to make a smoothie, muffins or just to eat them out of the bag. Have you ever tried frozen grapes-YUM, it’s a nice treat and great for toddlers who are teething.

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