Thursday, October 16, 2014

Homemade Apple Crisp

Fall or at any time of the year - Apple Crisp is my go to dessert - fast and easy. I used to cut up a bunch of apples and make a huge pot of chunky applesauce. But I have found a much easier and simpler way to make this delightful treat. 

 I take canned applesauce and place into a baking bowl and then I cut up an apple (any apple will do) and put into the same baking bowl as the applesauce. 

Stir and evenly cover the apples with the applesauce. 

Next I take 3/4 c. flour, 1 cup sugar and 1/4 stick of butter. Use a fork to blend these ingredients. Place this over the applesauce/apple mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for about and hour. I would advise putting a cookie sheet underneath your baking bowl to catch all the yummy spilled over drips (saves your oven in the long run). Once it has baked, take out and let it cool enough you don't burn your mouth (yes, I have done this from experience). This is good with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, cool whip or even a little milk. 

Everyone from young to old like this old tradition of apple crisp. Why don't you try it today.

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