Friday, May 30, 2014

Out of the box drain strainer

When I moved into my new classroom this year in an old apartment building which has now been converted into office space, we had a bathroom that needed a cover to catch food debris when we washed our dishes. It was a small drain pipe and I knew that I wouldn't find what I was looking for. 

So my daughter, E and I headed to the Dollar Tree to see what we could convert to a drain strainer. As we were looking over the kitchen item wall, E found a tea strainer and thought that would work for the bathroom drain. Of course, I had forgotten to bring measurements, but I thought it would be worth a shot - I would only be out a dollar if it didn't work. 

The next day, I took the tea strainer to school and took it apart and placed it into the drain and guess what it worked. That's the way to think, outside the box - who would have ever thought a tea strainer could help keep food debris from going down the drain.

It is now the end of the semester and that half of the tea strainer is full of debris, but it did it's job of keeping it out of the pipe. Next year in September, I will put the other half of the tea strainer in the sink and be done with it.

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